Monthly Archives: January 2014

Alec is 10 MONTHS Old!


You guys! My goal for month 11 is to post his update the day he turns 11 months! I hate getting so behind.

Look at this adorable 10 month old!! I can’t believe how fast time is flying! I love him!

Alec is seriously growing up too fast. He is not walking yet, like I thought it would be, but he does take a few steps here and there. He was much more anxious to walk about a month ago. Now he has lost interest. What is that all about?! Ha! He just knows his mommy will pick him up and carry him anywhere he wants to go. Smart boy!

He has no problem going up and down the stairs. He can also lower himself off of chairs and couches and beds. He likes to be active, and he is very quiet and calm about it all. He just does his own thing. He is so sweet and calm.

He had his 9 month check-up a couple weeks after he hit 9 months, and he was weighing in at 19 pounds 3 ounces (37th percentile) and 29.5 inches tall (85th percentile.) He still has just 8 teeth. He will have a second surgery in May or June, and that should be his last surgery! All his doctors say he is doing great!


He loves to play with cars, blocks, and anything that makes music. He LOVES to dance. He gets pretty upset when the music stops.


He longs to be outside, all day-every day, and reaches and points for the door at any chance he can. He is napping twice a day still, and I am hoping that he doesn’t wean down to one nap, but I think that day is soon upon us. He loves playing with his sisters; especially wrestling and crawling all over them.




He continues to be such a happy and sweet baby. We love love love him!