Baby Jack Alexander Johanson


Baby Jack was born Tuesday morning via emergency c-section in Ames, Iowa. Immediately following his birth it became apparent that little Jack has some serious problems. He was transported immediately to an EXCELLENT children’s hospital in Des Moines, Iowa (Blank Children’s Hospital). After much hope and prayer, I was granted early release and am now with Jack and Adam at the hospital.

There is too much going on to give a clear explanation. Jack’s situation is critical and any prayers in our behalf would be greatly appreciated. We are also SOOOO grateful for the many phone calls, emails and visits that we have already received. We can feel the love of our friends, family and Savior at this difficult time.

While we appreciate all the phone calls and emails that we have received, we are unable to respond to everyone at this time. Please know that we are so very grateful.

Jack is one beautiful little boy. He was 7 pounds 6 ounces and 19 inches long. He’s got a headful of dark hair and looks a lot like his big sister. Megan is having a great time with her grandma and Aunt. Please also remember Megan in your prayers at this time.

Much love to all,
Elizabeth, Adam, Megan and Baby Jack

23 responses »

  1. We love you. We are praying for all of you. His name is on the prayer roll. We are all fasting today. Jan leaves in the morning to be with you all. I wish I could be there too.

  2. You and Adam are such amazing parents. I have no doubt that the Lord is watching over you and your little family. Matt and I have fasted today for you. I am itching to do more to help – please let me know what we can do. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers CONSTANTLY. We love you so much! When Matt broke the news to me that you had to be put out for Jack’s delivery, I just broke down right then and sobbed. I know you both are approaching these trials with faith and hope. I wish I was there to give you guys a big hug and do whatever I could to help. I still can’t wait to see pictures of that beautiful little boy and all of that hair. 🙂

  3. Your names are on 5 prayer rolls. The Kelleys, Rombergs, and Marshalls are all participating in a family fast. Please let us know what else we can do.

  4. We fasted for your family and especially your sweet baby Jack today. I wish I could be there to hug you. Don’t worry about calling me back, just spend time with your family and your sweet baby. Know that we have you ALL in our thoughts and prayers…every moment of each day. I love you!

  5. I will pray for you guys, I know how hard it is to have a little one that has to be in the NICU! Glad to hear that you are doing okay. Good luck with everything.

  6. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Please do not hesitate to call or email if you need anything. Even something as simple as FRIENDS shows for a little distraction, you know I have them all, I will gladly share! We love you all so much!

  7. we are praying for your family. our hearts are definitely with you in iowa. we love you and our new baby jack too. i think his and your names are on every prayer roll in the temples in every city you know someone in. you have our support and love and also our heavenly father’s. give baby jack a kiss from us.

  8. ELizabeth and Adam:
    I am praying and praying for you all. Please
    update the blog when you can and I will pass on
    the updates to the many who are asking about you.
    I feel grateful for Blank – it is a marvelous facility.
    Please give you mom my phone number.
    Love and prayers

  9. of course we echo everyone’s comments; you know you can use us any way needed — but mostly, I’m so inspired by all the faith of so many people who have commented here — you are all so obviously wonderful friends!

  10. Adam and Elizabeth, we are thinking of you and praying that your little Jack is blessed with strength and healing. We would love to help out in ANY way we can, please just let us know what would help you out and we’ll be there! I’m sure this is a stressful time for your family but please know that there are literally hundreds of people praying for you and waiting in the wings for whatever you might need. We love you and congratulations on the birth of Jack, we’re sure he’s a beautiful baby!

  11. We are thinking of you all at this time, and praying for Jack to be healthy and strong!! He sounds like he’s so cute, can’t wait to see him! We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and hope to hear a positive update very soon!! 🙂

  12. Our prayers are with you! You will be in the prayer roles in Oakland as well. We love you and we love baby Jack. I know you two will be great parents for Jack, whatever his special circumstances in life may be. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    Love you!

  13. We are praying for you and your family. You are in our thoughts!!
    We send our love, Vanessa and family

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