Charlotte Turns THREE


Our sweet little Charlotte has turned three!IMG_3156

Charlotte is something else. She is the best something else there ever was. At 3 years old she is very articulate. It is always such a relief for me when one of my children doesn’t struggle with communication. This girl certainly does NOT struggle with communication!


Charlotte had been looking forward to her birthday for a while. For at least a couple months she would ask regularly if it was her birthday. We decided to not tell her that her birthday was coming up, and she woke up on her birthday morning to find tons of balloons and a banner and was so excited that it was finally her birthday!


June 17th was a Sunday, so we started the day with one present before heading out the door to church. After church we let her skip her nap and had lunch and did more presents. After dinner we had cake and ice cream. It was low key, but no less special.


Three year olds are a lot of fun, especially when you have the best one! Charlotte loves swimming, playing with her brother and sisters, and singing and dancing. We love our dear Charlotte so much and are really excited about this age. Happy Birthday sweet girl!


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